Leadership Skills And Corporate Wellness

Estimated read time 3 min read

Have you attempted to develop your leadership and workplace wellbeing skills by searching the internet?

You are not alone.

But have you found it challenging to link what you’ve been reading to your own life?

Again, I tell you that you are not alone.

Learning to be a leader is hard

But let me tell you what I’ve discovered about wellness.

Workplace wellbeing has a lot to do with how you present yourself. The traits that others see in you. What you do. How you behave. And, the things that make you … well, you.

Initially, I found my journey towards workplace wellbeing a challenge. Over time, I made mistakes. I had a lot to learn about wellness. I still do.

But I discovered ten traits of workplace wellbeing.

And, I am delighted to share these traits with you.

Sound good, right?

1. Be self-aware

Workplace wellbeing requires an ability to look inside and know your feelings and thoughts. And it also involves distancing ourselves from emotions. These leaders respond to the situation and not the emotion.

2. Stay balanced

As a leader, you need to be more self-aware. You must be more balanced. Plus you can choose when to get involved. And when not to be involved. This ability to control how you engage with situations helps you to cope with change.

3. Have a sense of humor

Humor is a very important aspect of coping with change and workplace wellbeing. Enjoy and practice it every day. And be amazed at the change you will see in yourself.

4. Remain creative

As a leader, you need to be very creative and try new things.

5. Be autonomous

As a leader, you need to develop safe boundaries between yourself and others. This allows you to operate independently and promote workplace wellbeing. And take decisive action where necessary.

6. Be happy

Workplace wellbeing focuses on the moment. Quite simply the past is gone. And the future hasn’t happened yet. So, the present is where we need to be. You need to also be happy in this place.

Take time to find your balance.

7. Promote humility

Humility is an essential characteristic of a leader and workplace wellbeing.

So, know both your strengths and weaknesses.

8. Understand relationships

As a leader, you must value and understand the people dimension. You must be empathic. And you must seek to know and understand others.

Your emotional stability is especially important for workplace wellbeing and during times of difficult change.

9. Be self-motivated

A leader must be self-motivated. This motivation is your fuel for action and workplace wellbeing.

Take the initiative and responsibility for your actions. And your persistence allows you to deliver results.

10. Have a strong moral compass

Strong leaders possess strong personal values which particularly focus on the concept of mutual respect. Strengthen this moral compass. It will guide you to internal and external success as well as promote workplace wellbeing.

Learn to focus on the traits of resilient people

Be realistic about what you can do and about wellness. And be open about what you cannot do.

Kay Fitzgerald M. A. https://theresilientmanager.com/author/admin/

Kay Fitzgerald is a health promotion specialist, course developer and researcher studying personal resilience in the workplace and trauma. Catherine received her Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Studies and a Master’s in Health Promotion from University College Cork.

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