Corporate Wellness And Overcoming Stress

We all get stressed.

I know I do.

However, I have spent a lot of time researching corporate wellness and workplace wellness best practices and how to deal with the stress in my life.

Of course, some stress is good.

But other stress is overwhelming. Destructive. And, not good for us.

So, what eases your stress?

You may have heard from workplace wellness programs the advice of taking exercise and eating healthily. And that’s, of course, excellent advice. But there’s so more that you can do.

Workplace wellness programs promote that you have to take some defined steps to overcome stress.

And, achieve greater workplace wellness in your life.

1. Know yourself

Workplace wellness programs suggest that we all take note of our stress levels. It may seem obvious but we all experience stress in different ways. You will need to be aware of what causes you stress and what reduces your stress levels.

2. Know the behaviors you use to deal with stress

What behaviors do you use to deal with stress? Are they healthy actions like exercise or are they unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, drinking, or eating poorly? Workplace wellness programs encourage people to always use healthy ways to reduce their stress. Eat correctly, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water and engage in regular physical activity.

3. Become goal orientated

Do you get worried or stressed that you’ll forget something? Workplace wellness programs promote that we all simply identify our goals, focus our behavior on the task at hand and use to-do lists to help track what we need to do.

4. Take short breaks

Take a 10-15 minute break every few hours to recharge. Avoid the temptation of working through lunch and you will start to see immediate improvements.

5. Get support when required

None of us has all the answers so don’t fool yourself. Workplace wellness programs suggest that we should not be afraid to seek the support of others.

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